Thursday, December 2, 2010

Jing all the way!!!

Here's a cool app that Ari and I learned about in Maryland. Its called Jing, and its a free download that lets you "film" whatever you are doing on your computer. It also records what you are saying.

Possible uses:

1) Make an instructional video for your students, teaching them how to use a program. In an earlier post I used it to show how to make an online quiz using Google Docs.

2) Record what you are teaching and projecting on the board. You can then post that part of the lesson, (the limit is about 6 minutes) and the kids can have it. Below is an example of me teaching the 10th grade girls, and using Google Earth to show them the layout of the Auschwitz concentration camp. See how the results look for yourself. (Click on the image to watch it. You may want to pause it and let it buffer for a bit. You may also want to make it full screen. The controls appear at the bottom of the image when scrolled over)

Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required.

Any other ideas?