Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Using PollEverywhere in class

Poll Everywhere is a pretty cool free web app that allows students to text answers in class. Since we now have projectors, the results of the poll are instantly on the board. I have tried it in three ways:

1) Multiple choice poll: This allows the class discussion to be built around the percentage of students who made each choice, without identifying them. Cute trigger. I only allowed them one vote per phone, but that can be changed if you want to allow them multiple votes.

2) Tested answers: This allows students to list various answers on the board in real time. I chose here to allow them to submit as many answers as they liked, and after they explained what they meant we discussed them.

3) Question bar: I used the same setting to keep an open bar on the side of the board so that students could submit questions to the teacher during class. They hardly used it.

It isn't essentially different than a regular class discussion. But it has a coolness factor, and its much harder for kids to stay anonymous and opt out. All in all, good for an occasional lesson plan. You can also embed the poll into a powerpoint that you are using in a given class, which makes the flow easier to handle.

This is really worth playing with.

Below are the actual ones that I used in class, corresponding to the numbers above. If you would like to try it, fell free to submit the appropriate code answer in a text to 22333.

Create your own sms poll at Poll Everywhere

2) Here are the results of my PollEverywhere question in class, "What are the differences in style between the Mishna and the Gemara?"

Create your own sms poll at Poll Everywhere

Texting is easy!!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

It Worked!!!

My first forays into the world of modular smartboards have met with success! I can connect my laptop to the projector, then run it from my iPad! It works pretty smoothly from my "TeamViewer" app, and even better from "LogMeIn".

The bad news is that LogMeIn cost me $30. It is also useful for checking into my desktop at home when travelling.

Now I have to figure out how to use the smartboard software, and I've made my modular one complete!

Anybody wanna try?

Below is a screen shot of my laptop running on my iPad! (if you look closely you can see that it is me making this post!)

Actual screen shot from my iPad. Cool, no?